The Archbishop of Cincinnati is offended by the University of Cincinnati's sexploration program. This surprises exactly no one.
The Catholic church has been public enemy #1 when it comes to sex for a long time. After all, they invented the 'rhythm method' right? Telling people, yeah its OK to fuck but only when you want to have kids, but if you fuck at the right -time- the chances are less. Its like a sex loophole to them.
But teaching people about safe-sex that works, like condoms, or masturbation, thats evil in their world. They don't want anyone to have sex for fun ... except for maybe priests with altar boys ... but lets leave that for a whole other discussion.
Is the Catholic Church even relevant? I for one don't care what they think about anything. They are totally out of touch with reality. How can some guy who 'claims' to have never had sex supposed to tell the rest of us about sexuality? Thats like some vegetarian telling me which cut of steak is best (Ribeye, if you were curious).
The Catholic Church historically has done more harm than good for all of society. From plunging us into the dark ages, to the crusades, pushing their ignorance around and covering up their own sins -where applicable-.
Think I could get a new headline on that paper 'Catholicism' offends Barrel the Blogger. Nah ... I didn't think so. Oh well, at least I don't look like some creepy pedophile.