I love stories like this one. Nothing illustrates better how asshat CEOs of megacorps are completely out of touch with reality than this. 1.2 million he spends on an office -upgrade- and I'd be willing to bet his old office wasn't milk crates and cardboard boxes either. At the same time, he signs orders on his $18,000 desk to terminate people's jobs.
This is how the downward spiral starts. People get laid off, people stop spending money. More people get laid off because people aren't spending any money. Eventually the asshat CEO who paid $1.2 million for his office renovation will get probed (and I hope there's no lube involved) because people want to know why all of the sudden everyone is out of work.
I gotta admit, it freaks me out. Right now, I have a job. But if I were terminated (What sick HR fuck thought being "terminated" was nicer than being "fired" anyway?) how bad would it suck to be out there looking for a job while there are 3 million other poor bastards in the same bad situation you are in?
What can be done? Well, CEO accountability is pretty damn high on my list. Fuckheads like "Mr. That 87 thousand dollar rug really tied the room together" up there shouldn't be living the high life while putting the screws to everyone else. To that end, I propose to do this when I'm elected to supreme being of earth: Any time a company has a mass layoff, the executive level salary is cut by the same percentage of the amount of people they're letting go. So you fire 5% of your workforce? You just took a 5% paycut. Oh and make Golden Parachutes illegal. I'm sorry, if I fail miserably at my job I expect a swift kick in the ass, not a million dollar payout.
If stockholders got smart they would kick these wasteful bastards to the curb and hire in some people that will work harder and better for less money. They are out there. Just this last week in fact Toyota stole the crown from GM for company who supplies the most autos to the entire world. The CEO of GM makes around 15 mil a year, the CEO of toyota makes around 1 mil. Not hard to see who is getting more value for their dollar.
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