One thing always bugged me. Why was God such an evil asshole in the Old Testament? Consider the Evidence:
Exhibit A.

God sends the Angel of Death to come slaughter the firstborn child of a bunch of Egyptians. Some kids get spared because their parents were in the special sheep slaughtering club and painted their doorways in blood.
This is now a holiday. But I ask you, what exactly did a bunch of kids have to do with anything. They were born to the wrong parents? But who decides who gets born to what parent? Oh, right, right.
We often take stories like this for granted. Its like in the movie Clerks, yeah we all cheer when the Death Star goes kablooee but what about the innocent contractors? Yeah they were just working a job they HAD to work or the emperor would kill their families or at least they'd starve or maybe go to a worse college and end up working at the local WookieWorldMart. Point is, God put those kids in those families, then he slaughtered them like some evil bastard, and now we have a holiday about the whole mess.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, I ask you, is that not a dick move?
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