Friday, October 23, 2009

F-R-E-E that spells FREE

Stupid Stupid Earworms. 

I like to listen to the radio, like most men in their middle age I often end up listening to sports-talk. Lately, I've been hit by a barrage of ads from the "Free Credit Report" people.

If by some major cosmic chance the person who made these ads happens to read this little blog of mine, I have some very specific instructions for you. Go outside. Find a brick, or a rock, or something very hard. Pick it up, and bash yourself in the head with it until you fall unconscious.

When this ad hits the radio I turn off the channel as fast as my fingers can hit the button. But I know, this is too late. The stupid jingle will be instantly stuck in my head by the first note. I suppose the people behind the ad regard this as success, but fortunately for me, I am too smart to fall for their pathetic ploy.  The real place to get a free credit report is ""  ... but they don't advertise as much because instead of trying to sign you up for a whole bunch of crap you don't want and then spamming you into insanity, they just give you a credit report and then leave you alone. Thus, they have less ad revenue.

Just think about it, people who advertise non-stop that they are giving away something for free are hiding something somewhere. Sometimes I give away stuff for free. I set it outside my house with a "Please take my decrepit junk and mind the lawn." sign on it written in sharpie. I don't go on the radio with a song that will get stuck in your head and pay thousands of dollars to advertise the thing I'm giving away.

Back on point, I wish the commercials would stop. The only way for them to stop is for people to completely quit using their service, so their advertising dollars drain away. So tell all your friends to go to the real free credit report site at and make the insanity end!!

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