Friday, October 30, 2009

FFS - Fun Friday Stuff - 10/30

 TMNEGIF  ... Thank my nonexistent god it's Friday.

Kevin from Top Chef is the man. He has a tattoo of a pig. He made Bacon Jelly. I am rooting for him to win this season, but even if he doesn't, I'm going to be making a pilgrimage to his restaurant someday. To top all that off, he has one hell of an awesome beard.

This season though is the toughest one yet in my opinion. Really any of the top 5 have a great shot. Most seasons I can predict the top 2 or 3 within the first show. This season, well, its going to be interesting when they get to the end. I imagine you could make a great dish and go home simply because your dish didn't meet the judges tastes as well as another, even though it was excellent and you didn't make a mistake.

Anyway, go Kevin!

A fun strip making fun of tv cop shows.

A church fails to predict its own fail.

Garfield minus Garfield is always fun, but this one made me laugh uncontrollably for some reason.

Arnold "Get to the Choppa!" Schwarzenegger gives a pertinent hidden message to his state legislature.

This would make a great card to send to your kids next mothers day if they forget to do anything for you. So much emotion from a faceless egg, priceless.

I really don't know how this guy manages to do this without cracking up. I've sat and tried, I can't get very far before I bust out laughing. Then I forget what the host is talking about.

Ever agree to do a favor for someone and then end up regretting you ever talked to them in the first place? Yeah ...

This just in: Fox Hates Joss Whedon ... also 4 out of 5 people make up 80% of the worlds population. While we're talking the obvious, Dollhouse is a great show, but Fox is setting it up for failure. First by putting it in a really tough time slot, then pulling it for sweeps week. It took the first episode a while to get me to like it, the first 15 minutes or so were meh, but then it got interesting. Of course, from the network that canceled Firefly, would you expect anything but dickery? But really, I don't understand why Joss works for Fox ... well, other than the paycheck thing.

Back away from the nuts, and no one gets hurt!

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