Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Too bad they don't make exorcists of stupid

Yesterday I read this awesome story on the consumerist that stated that 69% of the people in the surveyed by are morons. Actually that's not what it said, it said only 31% of the people in the survey would willingly live in a haunted house for reduced rent. Thats 69% of the people who are too scared of ghosts to live with one of them

Thankfully, the human race isn't completely doomed and consumerists readership are only 19% morons on their own poll. I'm not sure how many of the 81% think that ghosts are real but not that bad of a roommate though.

Yesterday my kid told me that in his class he and only one other student are the only ones who claim not to believe in ghosts or so-called paranormal activity. I'm proud of my son for this, but disappointed that the other 25 or so students in his class including his teacher believes in hauntings from the grave.  Well, they are kids, some still believe in Santa Claus I suppose. But his teacher?

Halloween is good fun. Dressing up like a ghoul or zombie or whatever, thats a good time. It goes too far when you start thinking, "Hey, this could all be real. I do believe in ghosts, I do I do I do believe in ghosts!"

It gets worse when you have people making documentaries (hahaha, they call them documentaries) about Paranormal Activity and Hauntings. These shows are always the same. Funny camera work. People acting real scared. People intimating that you are the moron for not believing their bullshit.

These people are scam artists. Some say its all in good fun, some say its just ghost stories around a campfire. Well, when I write a story, my reader knows its fiction. I don't try to pretend its anything but fiction. I have written a ghost story in the past. It was fun, but it was not presented as a documentary. The people trying to scare us into thinking there's something to all this paranormal crap are no better than conmen.

Best thing I can do I guess is give my son a good hug and tell him I'm proud of him for standing up in his class and telling them he thinks Ghosts are made up.

That and well, if you're sitting on a nice house that won't sell because its haunted and you're willing to sell for bottom dollar? Give me a call...

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