So back in November, CitiGroup announces plans to cut 50,000 jobs. Think about that, Fifty Fucking Thousand people kicked to the curb. So thats bad. This is after they took 20 billion dollars of US Taxpayer money. That was bad, if you guess that they spent an average of 75k per employee (salary + benefits + taxes et. al.) that would save them 3.75 billions. I can actually see that being a necesary cut, as severe as it may be. And at the time I felt bad for all those people losing their jobs but it was a product of our economy going down the shitter.
Now? I feel even worse. These corporate assfucking monkeys have ordered a $50 million dollar corporate jet. 50 MILLION DOLLAR JET. FOR 12 PASSENGERS. I hope it flies them around in extreme comfort directly into the side of a mountain. I'm sorry, I should watch my tone, I didn't mean to insult monkeys who like anal sex by comparing them to megacorp CEOs.
50 million dollars is 750 jobs for a year. Sure, 750 doesn't sound like a whole hell of a lot, unless you happen to be one of those 750 that had to come home to your family and explain that you're going to have to start shopping at the thrift store for day-old bread. Those 750 that are now living off unemployment, that you and I the american taxpayer are paying. So freaking happy that the money we gave them is being used in this way.
But hey its not all bad right? That 50 million dollars they're spending doesn't just evaporate, it employs people right? Yeah ... IN FRANCE. Didn't even have the decency to spend our tax bailout dollars on an American-built corporate luxury jet. How's that for a kick in the balls America?
This corporate crap has to stop. There has to be some accountability here. There needs to be oversight. I'm all for a free-market. What you do with your money is your business. But they did this shit with OUR MONEY. I want accountability!
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